Town wins Sustainable CT Bronze award
Stonington achieved Sustainable CT’s Bronze certification on November 14th, joining 14 other Connecticut communities in a ceremony at West Hartford’s Town Hall. Certified communities demonstrated significant achievements in at least twelve sustainability impact areas, ranging from thriving local economies and vibrant arts and culture to clean transportation and affordable housing. In addition, certified municipalities addressed issues of equity and inclusion when implementing sustainability actions.
Department of Economic and Community Development director Susan Cullen, intern Haley Hines and administrative assistant Thomas Mitchell accept Stonington’s Bronze award.
Working closely with the First Selectman’s office, the Department of Economic and Community Development oversaw a multi-year process of assessing, gathering and analyzing Stonington’s existing and prospective programs and plans. Many Town departments, commissions and boards provided data, allowing Team Stonington to plan and accomplish specific objectives within the SustainableCT framework of “Sustainability Actions.”
Stonington’s approved and certified actions: Brownfield inventory and redevelopment plans; inventory and promotion of local products and services; providing resources to support local business; create watershed management plan; implement low-impact development; enhance pollinator pathways; map tourism and cultural assets; integrate sustainability into the POCD; develop agriculture-friendly practices; assess climate vulnerability; implement a “complete streets” plan for diverse transportation systems; promote public transit; manage municipal fleets; benchmark and track municipal energy use; participate in and promote the C-PACE program; train municipal representatives; implement unit-based pricing; improve air quality in public spaces; develop and promote community gardens; implement an affordable housing plan; and strengthen municipal workforce capacity to address homelessness.
The next step for Stonington is achieving Silver Certification for the 2023 cycle.